Clubhouse shop


The Board have relaxed the rules to allow ‘smart casual’ in the bar and patio area with ‘appropriate golfing attire’ to be worn on the golf course. ‘Smart casual’ permits the wearing of smart jeans and training shoes.

The staff on duty, the club’s professional and members of the Board will govern the interpretation of ‘smart casual’ and please respect their decision if you are approached.

Smart Casual attire must be worn at all times in and around the Clubhouse

  • Headgear – All headgear to be removed.
  • Smoking – is not allowed anywhere within the clubhouse this includes e-cigarettes.
  • Shirts – Shirts must always be worn tucked into trousers or shorts.
  • Clothing Attire – The wearing of Golf clothing is allowed BUT NOT wet or muddy.
  • Tailored Shorts – Tailored Shorts are allowed in the Lounge at any time.
  • Golf Shoes – No Golf shoes allowed in the Lounge/Dining room, including Pimples and soft spikes.
  • Flip Flops are not allowed.
  • Waterproofs – Waterproofs are not allowed to be worn in the Clubhouse with the exception of the changing areas.
  • Hoodies – Not to be worn in or around the club house.

Members should enter the clubhouse via the locker rooms if wearing working clothes prior to playing a round.

The club would prefer no calls are made or received in the main lounge but phones can be used if on silent or vibrate. Calls should be made or received within the entrance foyer or locker room area.

  • You are asked not to leave kit bags in the Lounge or Bar.
  • To save any embarrassment, please ensure the above is followed.
  • Please be respectful to staff if it is necessary for the above to be discussed.
  • Relaxed Dress Code in the Clubhouse for all Members & Non-Members on Quiz nights.
  • The Club Captain may authorise changes to the above for specific occasions.