The ladies welcome players of all abilities and would encourage you to take part in the competitions if you have a qualifying handicap, if not we will assist you in gaining the required handicap.
There are regular competitions on a Thursday which vary from medals, par and stableford, some of which are qualifying competitions for Major Board Competitions. There are some finals held on a Sunday, all competitions are in the diary in RED which you will be supplied with when you join the Club. There are reserved tee times for the Thursday and Sunday competitions usually between 11.30 and 12.30.
If you wish to play in the competitions there is normally a list to sign in the Ladies’ clubroom upstairs, if you can only play intermittently then you can contact the Lady Captain who will add you to the draw. Currently the draw is done by the Tuesday preceding the competition and the names added to the BRS online booking system.
Please note we are also having ‘alternate competition days’ on the Sunday preceding the Thursday Competitions. Please contact the Lady Captain to make the necessary arrangements. Competitions will be closed every Thursday, and results made available shortly after the competition on Master Scoreboard, available online. This is for the ladies who are either working or are unable to play on a Thursday.
The Thursday should be regarded as the main competition day whenever possible. The ladies also generally play on a Tuesday and a Sunday when there is no competition again between 11.30am and 12.30pm. You can play outside of these times but all tee times need to be booked on BRS.
For booking playing times outside of the competitions you will be given log on details by the professional to enable you to access the BRS system yourself. Booking times become available as detailed by the board in advance. Please ensure that tee times you will not use are cancelled as early as possible to provide other members the opportunity to book a tee time.
We ask that all ladies pay attention to the fact that pace of play affects others and we encourage players to play promptly throughout the round. Please prepare in advance for each stroke and move promptly between strokes and in going to the next tee.
The Ladies’ section has its own Committee which comprises of Lady Captain, Lady Vice Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, Handicap secretary and general committee members. Phone numbers for the Ladies’ section are in the back of the diary.
There is a Ladies’ AGM in March and Annual Presentations in October with smaller presentations on a Sunday after the finals have been played, these are also in the diary marked in RED.