Entry to the Winter League is by payment of the £5.00 entry fee in the pro shop. You may enter the Winter League at any time but any points will only be awarded for subsequent competitions.

Each player will be allocated a Winter Handicap equal to 75% of their Course Handicap as at 18th November 2024.
All competitions will be played off the full Winter Handicap.
Each competition winner and 10 point winner will lose 1 shot off their Winter Handicap for the duration of the Winter League.
Points will be awarded to each individual from 10 down to 1. The first 4 places in the singles and pairs competitions and the first 3 places in the team competitions will be determined by card play-off all players tied for the subsequent place will receive the same points.
A players best 12 scores from the 18 rounds will count towards the final table.
All Winter League entry fees will be paid out in the overall prizes.
20% of each weekly competition entry fees will be paid to the club, the remaining 80% will be divided between the prize winners:
- Singles top four places in each division – div 1 winter handicap up to 9, div 2 winter handicap above 10.
- Pairs top 4 places.
- Team top 3 places.